
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 8
AI Filters
: Speed up the search process by using our new AI filters. Simply add in your keyword, and the Secoda AI filter will build the filter for you!
  • Improved autocomplete on Query Blocks
  • SCIM Group syncing
  • New metadata available on API keys created for a workspace (IP address, number of times used, last date of use)
  • Admin's can now set the
    resource owner
    as the recipient of any automated Emails or Slack messages through Automations
  • Setting an owner is now a required part of the monitor creation flow
  • Jira Issues can be filtered via Jira Query Language (JQL)
Push metadata to dbt:
Now you can push metadata from Secoda back to your dbt models. Push updates for column and table descriptions, owner details, and tags directly to your dbt code in GitHub.
Sync BigQuery policy tags:
Enhance your data governance and management capabilities by pushing policy tags from Secoda back to BigQuery.
Keep reading to see the other changes from the week!
  • Infinite Scroll on Resource List
  • OAuth Support for Big Query
  • Continued improvements to Secoda filters and resource lists, including auto selection of the first result in a filter.
  • Folder structure for one off resources in Teams
  • Refreshing of PowerBI Groups in Integration settings
  • Pending Slack AI repsonse
  • Table comments on Trino resources
  • Trino monitors failing
We're making it easier to navigate Secoda by improving the list view of resources. We're focused on making your experience more intuitive, efficient and responsive to your needs.
What has improved?
  • Improved user interface: Enjoy a cleaner, more intuitive layout that simplifies data navigation.
  • Enhanced search and filtering: Our upgraded search and filter system ensures you can access the data you need with speed.
  • Powerful bulk editing: Streamline your workflow with powerful new bulk editing tools. Use the new Commands menu to set tags, owners, and more across multiple resources.
  • Added additional columns in Questions overview
  • Added query metadata
  • Added descriptors to API keys
  • Added previews for Mixpanel resources
  • Updated and consolidated Tooltip component
  • Fixed incorrect join workspace selector width
  • Added integration sync cron schedule
  • Added top teams and groups widget
  • Fixed misleading question tooltip
  • Aligned the lint-staged with the lint check
  • Ratcheted the eslint max warnings down
  • Added extra fields in ES for search and filtering
  • Placed questions widget above resources widget
  • Fixed spinner & skeleton redundancy
  • Improved Tests UI
  • Added top users searching widget
  • Allowed expansion of custom instructions box
  • Added support for Oracle Monitors
  • Made copy changes for Metadata/Properties
  • Removed max height from comment reply input
  • Added header to AI Governance settings
  • Scaled viewer onboarding educational screen properly
We've made several updates to the filtering functionality to help you navigate your data faster. To highlight a few of the improvements, you can now see the following in your workspace:
  • Increased categories and amount of filters offered
  • Nested search is now available in filters. For example, you can search "Brittany" instead of having to click "Owners" and then search Brittany
  • New keyboard shortcuts to open filters (F) and navigate filters
New Integrations
  • Search and filter members list
  • Show latest sync status in integrations table
  • Add select all to tags filter
  • Show only impacted columns when viewing column lineage
  • BigQuery table stats such as bytes and row count
  • Added created date to Monitors
  • Improved formatting during paste in the editor
  • Unable to resolve or to react to comments as a viewer
  • Show initial monitor value not showing on graph
  • SSH Tunnels support for Metabase
  • Extract calculated fields and previews from Looker Studio
  • AI access settings
  • Monitoring RBAC permissions
  • Databricks cluster or warehouse option
  • Pull table and view comments for Hive
  • Push metadata to Postgres
  • Export impact analysis
  • New viewer onboarding educational screens
Improved search menu for Mentions
Easily find and tag the appropriate person or resource, with a new and improved mentions drop-down menu. Now, search results for mentions will be split by Users and Resources to make finding and tagging what you’re looking for easier and faster.
Related Resources Section
Each resource will now have a dedicated section to related resources to make it easier to add and browse the relations across resources in your workspace.
Lineage locking and auto-positioning
Navigating lineage graphs is now easier, with locking and auto-positioning. Opening nodes in the lineage will now automatically position to give you the best visibility and usage of your lineage graph.
New and Improved
  • Added new Related section in resource sidesheet
  • Added support for Snowflake Dynamic Tables
  • Added Key Pair Authentication for Snowflake
  • Added support to Export impact analysis to CSV
  • Improved the @ mention menu in the Editor
  • Collection resources home page widget
  • Improved Copy + Paste in editor
  • Added Monitor subscriptions
  • Added Grouped Tags
  • Added embedded AI Assistant in sidebar
  • Added SSH Tunnel Support for MongoDB
  • Added Monitoring support for Trino
  • Improved Lineage graph formatting
  • Added Amplitude EU Support
  • Added Custom Instructions input for AI
  • Added support for syncing updated_at from Salesforce columns
  • Added owners for Monitors
  • Added Resource metadata popover on Editor
  • Added rich resource links in Editor
  • Added shortcut to open new documents on creation
The SQL parser for column and table lineage has been completed refactored to be 10x faster than our previous SQL parser while also improving accuracy.
  • Added Cyera integration
  • Added AD Authentication for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added Reverse SSH Tunnel Support for CosmosDB
  • Added monitor support for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added JWT Authentication for Trino
  • Updated dictionary term creation modal to reference description and not documentation
  • Added profiling for varchar, nvarchar, char type fields for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added support for Snowflake external URLs
  • Added support for pushing Snowflake tags
  • Added support for syncing owners from dbt manifest.json meta field
  • Improved speed and accuracy of SQL parser for column and table lineage
  • Updated Permission modal UI
  • Added Table of contents block to Editor
  • Added support for hyperlink to title on Editor
  • Added support for downloading document as PDF
  • Added support for duplicating document
  • Updated Tags UI in Settings
  • Added support for exporting tags
  • Added links to schema change notifications
  • Added support for lineage on Trino Integration
  • Updated Avatar UI colours
  • Added support for exporting lineage diagram to PDF
  • Automatically add mentioned resource to related resource list
  • Improved SingleStore integration speed
  • Default to children tab on collections
  • Added user information to documentation snapshots
  • Added Read only badge on resources
  • Support syncing all databases for one MS SQL Server integration
  • Added placeholder text content block to Templates
Now you can get the best parts of Notion and Google Docs for you to use in your documentation. Both viewers and editors can leave comments, ask questions, and be notified when a comment has been replied to or resolved. Comments do not modify the actual content of the document so you can increase collaboration without sacrificing governance.
  • Added support for nested folder structure from Tableau, Sigma, Power BI, and Metabase
  • Improved Snowflake sync time by 30%
  • Released the Secoda SDK
  • Added Support mTLS authentication for Oracle Cloud
  • Improved Copy + Paste formatting in Editor
  • Added differentiation between dashboards in Tableau with the same name
  • Added support for Monitor cron schedule
  • Added empty state when viewing a resource in another team
  • Improved image resizing on Documentation Editor
  • Added support for dbt Core to Databricks lineage
  • Improved BigQuery -> Sigma lineage accuracy
  • Added support for sending all Schema change notifications to connected Slack channel
  • Added support for importing/exporting Snowflake tags
  • Added Popularity filters on Automations
  • Added Created and Updated at filters on Automations
  • Limited monitor creation to teams a user is part of
  • Improved the speed of the navigation catalog tree
  • Made Private Team resources unsearchable for users not on team
  • Increase sidebar catalog tree page size to 100
  • Added Re-authorization Slack button
  • Added Collection option to resource type search filter
  • Added support for Metabase Cards
  • Added support for copy + paste Google doc into Editor
  • Added support for importing PowerBI Dataflows
  • Added support for sending Slack notifications for resources that don't have subscribers
  • Removed email field from Slack question modal
  • Added ability to Delete workspace
  • Added hover tooltip to the User Avatar
  • Added button to test Slack notifications
  • Added impacted tables in column level impact analysis




Automate your workflows

With Automations, you can build custom workflows to automate repetitive tasks that your data team currently does manually. Automations are now available in all workspaces. Read more about Automations here
  • Refreshed navigation side bar UI
  • Added refresh button in Slack channel settings
  • Added lineage support for custom integration JSONL upload





  • Added Tables dropped notification
  • Added cron support for integration syncs
  • Added support for Oracle view lineage
  • Added activity logs on resources available to viewers
  • Added Custom properties support for templates
  • Added database and schema to monitor table selector
  • Added Power BI datasets in search
  • Added subscription option to Automation action
  • Updated SAML config in settings UI
  • Updated monitor thresholds when values remain steady
  • Fixed Snowflake integration failing due to lineage logic
  • Fixed Lineage only populating for some embedded datasources in Tableau
  • Fixed UI Lineage and API lineage not matching
  • Fixed draft resources being shown to Viewers in Catalog
  • Fixed Unchecked schema part of Tableau sync
  • Fixed Lineage missing between Looker view and BigQuery table
  • Fixed create buttons being shown for viewers
  • Fixed Catalog description filter showing unrelated resources
  • Fixed Slack /question command not working
  • Fixed new users joining Default team
  • Fixed Snowflake failing due to authentication/authorization issue
  • Fixed stale schemas and dashboard groups showing in Catalog
  • Fixed Manual lineage not persisting
  • Fixed Search not showing correct breadcrumbs
  • Fixed removing resources from collections
  • Fixed Tableau lineage issues for custom SQL datasources
  • Fix the color of the Icon in the AI assistant keep button
  • Fixed “no collection found“ error when there are no further children collections
  • Fixed Metrics not loading in Collection
  • Fixed Jira integration failure due to email not included in response
  • Fixed Documents page empty after connecting Confluence
  • Fixed navigating to collection resource tab from side bar
  • Fixed lineage for Redshift views
  • Fixed being unable to invite viewers to workspace
  • Fixed Tables grid not showing in the collections page
  • Fixed Verification tag not propagating
  • Fixed Parent filter on catalog not showing table options
  • Fixed CMD + K to create query creates a blank metric
  • Fixed Bookmark active state is not working
  • Fixed title contains filter in catalog is not being strict enough





  • Added support for Azure CosmosDB Tables
  • Added CMD Enter shortcut to run query
  • Added Change log embedded in product
  • Fixed propagating metadata in Collections
  • Fixed Collections not deleting
  • Fixed Inbox blank page on notification select
  • Fixed Metrics not loading in Collection
  • Fixed blank Schema showing in the sidebar catalog
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