The SQL parser for column and table lineage has been completed refactored to be 10x faster than our previous SQL parser while also improving accuracy.
  • Added Cyera integration
  • Added AD Authentication for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added Reverse SSH Tunnel Support for CosmosDB
  • Added monitor support for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added JWT Authentication for Trino
  • Updated dictionary term creation modal to reference description and not documentation
  • Added profiling for varchar, nvarchar, char type fields for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Added support for Snowflake external URLs
  • Added support for pushing Snowflake tags
  • Added support for syncing owners from dbt manifest.json meta field
  • Improved speed and accuracy of SQL parser for column and table lineage
  • Updated Permission modal UI
  • Added Table of contents block to Editor
  • Added support for hyperlink to title on Editor
  • Added support for downloading document as PDF
  • Added support for duplicating document
  • Updated Tags UI in Settings
  • Added support for exporting tags
  • Added links to schema change notifications
  • Added support for lineage on Trino Integration
  • Updated Avatar UI colours
  • Added support for exporting lineage diagram to PDF
  • Automatically add mentioned resource to related resource list
  • Improved SingleStore integration speed
  • Default to children tab on collections
  • Added user information to documentation snapshots
  • Added Read only badge on resources
  • Support syncing all databases for one MS SQL Server integration
  • Added placeholder text content block to Templates